I Will Not Be Quiet

I will not sit down.  I will stand up when my heart and brain so see it fit…and sometimes when just one or the other do.  I’m just being honest.

You can consider this your fair warning.  I am not politically correct. I will not be shamed into silence for the sake of safeguarding your naive peace.  I will say the things I believe because your peace needs to be shaken .  Your peace needs to be challenged.  And you know what, you need to invite that challenge! You need to encourage that challenge!   I, gladly BEG of you to challenge mine!

Without challenge, we sit still.  Our creative, spontaneous muscles shrink and slowly become replaced with boring, monotone repetition.   Sure, repetition may create more muscles, but instead of the beautiful rainbow that creativity, deep-thought and emotion bring, the muscles are instead, a boring shade of grey.

I miss my rainbows. I’m bringing them back.

You’ve been warned…


photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/pinksherbet/212673112/in/photostream/lightbox/

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