Monday’s Majestic Mommy Mistakes


It’s Monday. And even though the word means less and less as we settle into our own schedule, the “Monday” stigma still lurks its ugly head.

Today, I want to start celebrating Mondays again. I had started Majestic Mommy Mondays, a few years ago and let it die. Time for a reprise! But I’m tweaking it a bit. I want to also celebrate my mistakes more. So I’m calling our new series Monday’s Majestic Mommy Mistakes!

Why celebrate mistakes? Why not??? Everything is a learning opportunity! If I am going to fall in love with myself again, which is my current goal, then I need celebrations. They are essential to my happiness. I don’t know about you, but celebrations, no matter how small, energize and revise me.

My Monday Mistake: taking a shower BEFORE cleaning the house. I’m going to celebrate this by allotting myself a second shower (gasp!) after I’m done cleaning. Sounds simple, but it’s easier said then done with 5 kids and 1 shower! Lol!

So, tell me, how do you celebrate your successes. How can you celebrate your mistakes? What’s your Monday’s Majestic Mommy Mistake?

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