Classroom Re-Design

ClassroomLast year’s curriculum is all boxed and sorted, summer curriculum is organized and our new classroom has room for circle time now! It was not an easy task!  We live in a townhouse with very limited storage space.  I also created two computer work stations, in our living room (they are not quite picture ready yet) and cleared out last year’s Google Drive files to make room for summer and fall lesson plans.  Very productive and very exciting!

Homeschool Moms, where do you center your lessons?  My older boys ALWAYS end up sprawled out on the floor either in their room, the living room or even sometimes on the stairs, reading or writing.  But our lessons are centered at our dining room table.  Do you have a small or large space for you lessons?  I’d love to hear suggestions and ideas for including a more toddler friendly atmosphere, as Zana is almost two and I have never homeschooled with a toddler without a designated playroom, which I don’t have here.

Getting it Together

I wish I had the energy to write about what all I did today in effort to integrate technology into our homeschool lessons.  But, it’s already 9:20 and I still have 2 assignments and a quiz in MY classes to complete.  So, instead, I leave you with a screensot of what I just closed and a promise to detail as much as I can when I get the time.  Which, I’m hoping will be soon.  🙂


High Tech Homeschool with Pizazz


I have 5 kids.   My house is a wreck.  All day, every day.  But my digital  life is pretty organized.  My email contacts are complete and my saved email are all in folders (well, mostly).  My documents are all saved nicely in labeled folders and pictures by month.  I have to admit, the Mac does do this for me, however, my Dell was just as nicely kept.  And what my iPhone automatically does for me, I was already doing with my Droid.

But, you would NEVER believe it if you came to my house.  I have piles of paper everywhere.  Even with  a file cabinet and multiple file boxes.   I  homeschool 3 kids!   And I’m in school.  And I have 5 kids and 2 (now that Harmony is back with me, 3) adults’ worth of documents.

Today, as I was “detailing” the house for the pest control to spray, I started thinking about our footprint.  As I threw away three trash bags full of papers that we no longer needed and filled two plastic crates full of ones we did, I made a commitment to myself to organize my family.  I’ve been trying to do it my mother’s way or Mark’s way or my Grandpa’s way, but I have never really dared to try it “My” way.  How ironic, right? I titled my blog, “The Rockstar Mom Way”, arrogantly, over 4 years ago, and yet, I hadn’t really found “My” way yet.

But I am.  Finding my way.  One of my most important realizations, in this adventure of parenting, it is that we have to adapt and do what works for us.

What works for me is the internet.  It’s my thing.  I take my classes online, pay all my bills, manage all our finances and now, thanks to Google Drive, run my kids homeschool online.

I feel the need to defend my love for books, here.  If you know me, you know I love my books.  My poor husband has carted them through 3 states now!  So books will always be a part of our home school experience.  Physical, heavy, at times dusty books that look beautiful on a shelf and hold hours of your life in them.    But aside from handwriting and math assignments, we have digitalized the rest.  Assignments, quizzes, tests, projects and reports are all created, turned in and graded through Google Drive.

ImageIt literally took me about two hours to set up folders for each of the kids AND assign a week’s work of lessons to each of them, in 5 subjects!  It took even less time to show them how to use Google Drive, not only on their laptop, but also on their iPhones.  Even my Kinder can turn in the assignment.  She needs a little guidance getting to the assignment, but can type her sentences and “share” it with me and always her father  (ever the Daddy’s girl!) when she’s done.

Tonight I began a grade book for each child and shared it with only that individual.  All of the assignments come to my email, which comes to my phone, which has a Google Drive app, it so I can grade anywhere; in the car, in bed, in line at the grocery store or during my husband’s boring Alien conspiracy shows.  😀

Mark and I use Google Drive for keeping track of bills and I know he’s trying to write his songs in it, so he has them all in one place.  I’m going to create a task list for the kids chore lists and started our grocery list on there too.  The possibilities are endless!


So, forever a nerd, I am.  High-Tech Homeschool with Pizazz… cuz it works!

(and no, Google did not pay me a dime to do this, I just truly find it useful and it works the best for us!)